How to "think" your way out of a problem........

Put your problem through the Thinking into Results model of thinking

We havent been taught how to think. Mental activity does not constitute thinking. It is merely a habitual pattern of thought. 60,000 thoughts a day and you are only conscious of about 2% of those.

We live on 3 planes, physical, mental and spiritual. Some people have risen from the physical - using will and might to get what you want, to the mental, in which it is realised that all is mind. And some have moved to the spiritual.

What I have noticed is, people have gone from physical to spiritual without getting a grips with the mental, and people who understand the mental realm, dont realise that spirit world is mental too. And so the thinking is distracted and gathering so much information, thinking things through, with out a direction or foundation. And this is what is tripping people up. We are so much more than our thoughts but if we dont get the basics right, how are we ever going to realise who we are and who we are not, and what the true source of our power is?

Bob Proctor researched this model for 60 years and with the help of Sandy Gallagher, put together a proven method of thinking that gets results. Dont believe me. Thousands have had success.

Here is an example of a problem put through the model.........

  1. What is the solution you seek? (What do you want?) - be definate and focused. Most people are complaining about the problem but when asked, what do you want, they actually dont know. How do you think the universe can answer?
  2. What is your part in the problem? What are you doing and thinking that is non-productive towards this problem? Stop it ! yes - its a choice
  3. What story do you have around the problem? Recognise - it is just a story. Change your perception and you changed the perceived, and you will change.
  4. ....... And i could go on. But do you see what we are doing? We are focusing on a problem. This problem has a vibrational essence and so as Einstein said, you cannot think your way out of a problem with the same thinking that got you in there.

So now what do we do? We DECIDE what we want in the face of the problem. And focus on that instead. Now, lets do the 12 Lessons of Thinking Into Results. We do a deep dive for 2 weeks on each lesson. This isnt about knowledge. This is about wisdom, reprogramming, paradigm shifting. This will be your new internal thinking operating system that will be the basis of your life. Its like driving a car, it takes a while to get to grips with putting each step together, but then after practice - 6 months? - then its all one fluid operation.

We put science behind results. We get to the source of results.

And what is the outcome? Clarity, focus, peace of mind. Order is heavens first law. Now you have a clear run towards your goal! You are finally, out of the way!!

The question is,,,,,,, How much do you want it?

  1. What do you want? Specific, focused result - what will it look like? What will you hear? What does it feel like?
  2. What actions/thoughts will serve you and are in alignment to what you want?
  3. What is your new story about your life or the situation? Build an inspiring case! See it as a movie.
  4. What is really happening in your mind? Use feedback from the world to update your thoughts/behaviours accordingly. We think in secret and it comes to pass, environment is but our looking glass.
  5. Use the intellectual faculties to support you. These are the trick to staying in charge, no matter what! Perception, Reasoning, imagination, will, memory, intuition
  6. Who is it that aligns with the goal? Who are you? Who do you have to be? Who is the person in the story? You can never outperform your self image
  7. Understand that fear is an indicator of change - understand what is really happening will help you step forward more easily. If you are going through hell, keep going ! Its a good sign. It means you are upsetting the previous programming. Keep going.
  8. Are you in Praxis? This is the matching of a new belief with a behaviour - are you walking walk and not just talking the talk? What is your demonstration?
  9. What is your attitude? Is it great when things are great, and bad when things are bad? This is the law that you crash up against. Understand the laws of the universe will help even this out for you. Did you know that you could have a positive mental attitude and still come from a lack vibration?
  10. Be the most valuable person. Are you making yourself important enough? Are you being so selfish in love of yourself that you become full of your self? And you overflow into others? Or are you giving of yourself and are exhausted? We tend to do this if we are not focused on our goal. Its an excuse, a distraction from self.
  11. Leave others with the impression of increase. Do you talk about your problems all the time? Do you raise others up or do you try to fix them? Only ever talk forward and life serving. Are you criticising yourself ? You give and take from yourself and You are listening.
  12. The Power of the Mastermind. When you are together with people, you become a mastermind in its own right. What ever you will talk about will be multiplied. Now tell me, is this problems? or solutions? Is this what will work? or what hasnt worked? You are the Master of your mind - even your own inner conversations are multiplied. Only ever talk about what you want. EVER


The seed has been planted in the first lesson. The rest is keeping the environment on par with the seed so it has everything available to grow in its own divine timing. The problem is, people keep digging up the seed or forget to look after the environment and so the seed cant break through. The environment is you and your mind.

Can you see where you might be falling short? Try me. Give me your problem and we will turn it into the solution.

But first - what is your desire level? On a scale of 1 - 10. With 10 being - you are totally committed to the inner change.

I can only talk to you if you are a 10. There is no point otherwise. You will be wasting your time. You will be better served going and having fun.

Are you a 10 /10 for desire? You have tried to shift a repeating pattern in your life? You have studied and studied, and worked at it? You have invested in yourself and know how important this is. You are your life results. Do you want the next 10 years to be different from the last?

Then ....... I invite you to Book a call


Have a blessed day

Sheena Cantar

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